Thursday, 8 October 2015


About a year ago I went to the Teatro Caupolican to see a british band who plays progresive rock. The band it's called Yes. They play three entire albums: The Yes album, Close to the edge and Going for the one. The original singer was not there, but the actual singer it's quite good. The atmosphere was great and relaxed, because the people don't scream so much, we were all listening carrefully the band that has a mystical sound. The concert was excellent, but in the middle of it I thougth: Oh, I should get a sit, back there. because was to loud, the speaker of the singer was killing me. Any way the bass line was awsome, but in the keyboards I would love to see Rick wakeman, but it wasn't there. Another thing that upset me are the song that they played. They show up goods albums, but left outside the show some even better. Of course in the theather you can smell the sweet rich flavor of a good roll joint.

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