Part I
I made a Little mistake in the first moment. I search a definition of carbon footprint on Wikipedia. Then in the middle of the transcription, I realize that the definition it was bad copied, but if I let it be, it won’t be a big problem.
Then I tell this to our teacher, she laugh and smile. She said that it won’t be a problem if I write a definition by myself in the back page of the paper. Then I did it
Par II
The web page of national geographic want to link my profile of Facebook to create an account for me in the web. I don’t want more accounts, i’m sick of that. But I spouse that it can’t be skipped. But then I stop the web page, it was charging the data,. In some way I escape the sign in. When I finish the quiz, I've learned some things about recycling.
Part III
This video was funny, all the class without pones and the same music in the background, the construction sound of the Street, and the noise of our fingers in the keyboard. I never take a quiz of national geographic, and I don't know a few things. but with the others I don't have any problems.
I pick Squeeze bottles first because is easy and it really helps to reduce space. The it goes double bag and tie food, cause is more clean, and it don’t let the stinky smells comes out. Finally I pick get a bag for life, to do the shopping.
When I finish to write this part, I realize that I prefer to put my last choose in the first place.
Reduce, reuse and recycle. I remember to hear about this method to be more friendly with the environment, but I never put in practice in a hard way. I'm thinking that is a relevant topic, and maybe we need to take it more seriously.